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Submission website for the XX edition of the Color Conference

The Gruppo del Colore - Associazione Italiana Colore (www.gruppodelcolore.org) is announcing the XX edition of the Color Conference (CdC2025).

The conference aims to promote the multi-disciplinary and interdisciplinary aggregation of all the realities dealing with color and light from a scientific, educational and professional point of view.

The topics of interest of the 20th edition are the following:

  1. Color and Measurement/Instrumentation. Colorimetry, photometry and color atlas: method, theory and instrumentation; quality control and food coloring, dyes, organic and sustainable color.
  2. Color and Digital. Reproduction, management, digital color correction, image processing, graphics, photography, film and video production, printmaking and 3D print, artificial vision, virtual reality, multispectral imaging, and data visualization. Light field imaging. Multi-sensor fusion. Color localization, recognition, HDR imaging, ADAS systems.
  3. Color and Lighting. Metamerism, color rendering, adaptation, color constancy, appearance, illusions, color memory and perception, color in extra-atmospheric environments, lighting design, lighting technologies, and visual comfort.
  4. Color and Physiology. Mechanisms of vision in their experimental and theoretical aspects, color vision and color appearance, deficiencies, abnormalities, clinical and biological aspects, synesthesia, health, and well-being.
  5. Color and Psychology. Phenomenology of colors, color harmonies, color & form, perceptive, emotional, aesthetic and diagnostic aspects.
  6. Color and Production. Food and beverages, agriculture, textiles, plastic materials, ceramics, paints, gemology, color in the food industry.
  7. Color and Restoration. Archaeometry, painting materials, diagnostics and techniques of conservation, restoration and enhancement of cultural heritage.
  8. Color and Environment. Representation and drawing, urban planning, the project of color, architecture, interior design, landscapes & horticulture, color and architectural syntax, territorial identities, biodiversity.
  9. Color and Design. Furniture, CMF design, fashion, textiles, textures, cosmetics, food design, museography.
  10. Color and Culture. Arts and crafts, history, philosophy, aesthetics, ethno-anthropology, graffiti, geology, sociology, lexicology, semantics, anthropology of vision, food culture and heritage, color naming.
  11. Color and Education. Pedagogy, didactics of color, aesthetic education, artistic education.
  12. Color and Communication/Marketing. Graphics, communication, packaging, lettering, exposure, advertising.
  13. SPECIAL SESSION: Color and Artificial Intelligence. The rapid spread of Generative Artificial Intelligence impacts numerous social, economic and environmental aspects. Between fears and opportunities, will the field of Color benefit from this groundbreaking technology?

Authors are invited to submit their abstracts only if they intend to participate in the conference

The contributions may be in English or Italian (digital proceedings will be available with the English and Italian papers).

To submit your abstract, click on the "Make a Submission" button and follow the instructions.